"A smart and intriguing mystery set in New Mexico that explores the hypothetical intersection of theoretical physics, other worldly phenomena, and new-age ideas. Very compelling characters and a rich story world." - Amazon reviewer
From Ned White: First and foremost, STRING THEORIES is a love story. Two people with damaged pasts and deep questions about their own identity come together, ostensibly by chance, only to learn that something obscure but powerful closely binds them, beguiles them, propels their passion. Their shared journey of discovery is what drives the story toward its finale, with more than just a few metaphysical bumps in the road. He (Reese Archuleta) is a quantum physicist resistant to anything not explainable by science; she (Sage Stipes) is an ardent student of Taoism, ancient texts, and esoterica - one seeking a better understanding of paranormal events in her life. And so science and spirituality collide, shooting off sparks, enlarging each other. "It’s a mystery and a love story, but filled to the brim with mind-twisting science of the theoretical sort. Fortunately, author Ned White has built intriguing characters to care about, and paced the often startling action so that less-agile minds than his can keep up. I kept turning pages to find out what would happen next... It’s a wild ride – entertaining and challenging. How clever of Ned White to give us all that amazing science in a boy-meets-girl whirlwind." - Amazon reviewer